Say goodbye to self loathing

Most people I know - even those that are well studied in mindset management and personal development - have times in their lives where they hate themselves and struggle to manage self loathing; it's good to remember that this is NORMAL and common for any human during their life.
It's also helpful to be reminded that humans are highly emotional and complex - we are all having a human experience after all.
Anyone can fall off their perch - seemingly falling into darkness and self-doubt often resulting in feeling irrational, useless and disempowered. It's how you manage yourself through these times - and what you make it all mean to you - that will determine how swiftly you can move through these moments or periods. My recommendation is to put into practice resourceful strategies to support yourself; fostering a nurturing relationship with self while also increasing your ability to manage self loathing when it raises it's ugly head.
So what can you do to support yourself during these times? Here are a few simple suggestions to manage self-loathing:
1. Before you get out of bed in the morning repeat 2 or 3 positive affirmations to support yourself and your mindset (remember that whatever you focus on creates your reality - choose a positive and supportive filter to start your day)
2. Spend a few moments journaling when you get up in the morning. Include a few paragraphs on how you are feeling (what you feel good about as well as what you are being challenged by) as well as three to seven affirmations to help combat any negative emotions or limiting beliefs. For more information on limiting beliefs, download my free starter kit here
3. Before you go to work spend 5-30 minutes doing grounding mindfulness exercises - that could include meditation, stretching, walking or whatever practises work for your. Read my Mindfulness blog for more ideas here
4. During the day practise deep mindful breathing to ground yourself - and your emotions -throughout your day. This could include deep mindful breathing driving to work with eyes open and 5 minutes of deep mindful breathing with eyes closed during your lunch break. For more information on deep breathing techniques download my free starter kit here
5. Take yourself out on a weekly date. Do something fun to fill up your cup of joy; whether that's a trip to the art gallery or the op shop. This date is intended to be a solo date with you. By taking time out purely for yourself you are telling yourself (your ego and your inner critique) that you are worth it.
Be kind to yourself!
If you need further support, please get in contact via email or phone (