Nurture yourself for success

Do you nurture your 'self'? Do you support your 'self' for success in your life? Do you want to learn how to support and nurture your 'self' even better?
Success in life starts with learning how to best support yourself and this starts with developing a supportive nurturing relationship with ‘self’. Most people find this a challenge! Childhood and life experiences combined with conditioning and cultural expectations leave many burdened with limiting beliefs believing they are no good, not enough, non worthy, failures - ultimately leading to people overlooking the need to self-nurture or to be a friend to self.
The most important relationship in life, is the relationship we have with ‘self’ - yes that’s right your relationship with your ‘self’! We often forget that we even have a relationship with our ‘self’ - taking it for granted given we are always around our 'self'. Nurturing our ‘self relationship’ is a learnt behavior - the aim is to nurture our relationship with ‘self’ like a best friend would; alike the ways we nurture our relationships with those closest and dearest to us. The reality is that we are constantly with ourselves 24 hours a day, every day for life and that’s a really good reason to develop a kind and nurturing friendship with ‘self’.
My question to you today:
What can you do today to support yourself even more?
If you were committed to being a supportive friend to yourself, what would you do differently? More of? Less of?